Is Static Website Good for You?


A static web page is a web page that is delivered to the user’s web browser exactly as stored, in contrast to dynamic web pages which are generated by a web application.
A static website is a website that contains Web pages with fixed content. Each page is coded in HTML and displays the same contents to every visitor. Static sites are the most basic type of website and are the easiest to create. Static websites do not require any Web programming or database design.

The absence of a middleman/database makes the static site much more speedy and easy to load.
A static site is ten times faster than a dynamic site that is built with a CMS. Another reason for a static website to run faster is that it can be served from the node closest to the browser.
According to research by Kissmetrics, about 47% of people expect the website to load within 2 seconds, and a whopping 40% of people will not wait for the website to load for longer than 3 seconds. Hence, getting a static website also helps in getting more traffic by reducing the abandonment rate caused due to slow loading.

static website

Simplicity in Hosting
Simplicity in hosting has a lot in common with the benefit of speed. All your host provider has to do is serve static assets. The host doesn’t need to support a specific language or framework. In fact, it really doesn’t care anything about the specifics of your application. It just needs to know how to serve files, and serve them fast!
All of the top cloud providers have added specific plans for serving static sites, but a few of the newer hosts have really made a splash.

You must have occasionally come across an error message saying, “The connection could not be established.’ This primarily occurs because of database errors. Serving just basic HTML files makes it easier to host them anywhere with ease like on a CDN.
Hence, whenever there’d be an attack on the server, the static website is just redirected to another closest node, unlike its dynamic alternative where the website might go down for a few hours.

One of the biggest reasons that servers get hacked is being behind on updates and patches. Often, patches for vulnerabilities are available, but people have yet to install them because it’s no easy feat to stay up to date with the constant stream of security fixes.
With static sites, however, because you don’t need to manage a server, you also don’t need to worry about updates, patches, etc. No more updating PHP. No more updating WordPress. No more updating Node. You’re always up to date!

What to do when your website is finally up and running? Handling massive traffic on a dynamic website might be a cumbersome process as it requires complex code playing on the server. Basic static websites with HTML files can be easily scaled up by just increasing the bandwidth.

Community Support
The community is throwing a lot of support behind static sites and static site generators. Netlify initially coined the term JAM Stack (JavaScript, APIs, and Markup) that has become a driving force behind modern static sites. The term and idea have caught on in a big way.
With the plethora of static site generators out there, as mentioned above, there are so many different options for developers. There are options for various languages like JavaScript, Go, Ruby, and more. There are also options for different frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue as well. Lots of options and lots of support are a plus in my mind.

Technological Advancements
There was a time when online store websites would have to rely on dynamic websites for their organization and integrate those complex coding and deal with tedious scripting.
With tools like Magento, it is possible to have a static website for shop-centric businesses. A Java-script based shopping cart, called Snipcart, integrates e-commerce site’s functionalities to a static website, eliminating the need for dynamic websites.
Therefore, it is safe to say that static websites have made a terrific comeback and they are here to stay with more advantages than drawbacks. As a website is a digital face of the business, organizations must take into consideration all the factors and necessities of their business website and must assess all the new tools and platforms before making a website.

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